EPRINT Formal Definition and Verification for Combined Random Fault and Random Probing Security
Sonia Belaid, Jakob Feldtkeller, Tim Güneysu, Anna Guinet, Jan Richter-Brockmann, Matthieu Rivain, Pascal Sasdrich, Abdul Rahman Taleb
Preprint Bibtex
EPRINT INDIANA - Verifying (Random) Probing Security through Indistinguishability Analysis
Christof Beierle, Jakob Feldtkeller, Anna Guinet, Tim Güneysu, Gregor Leander, Jan Richter-Brockmann, Pascal Sasdrich
Preprint Bibtex


TCHES 2024, Issue 1 A Tale of Snakes and Horses: Amplifying Correlation Power Analysis on Quadratic Maps
Anna Guinet, Georg Land, Ioan Gabriel Bucur, Tim Güneysu
Conference Paper Artifact Bibtex
Eurocrypt 2021 Ciminion: Symmetric Encryption Based on Toffoli-Gates over Large Finite Fields
Christoph Dobraunig, Lorenzo Grassi, Anna Guinet, Daniël Kuijsters
Conference Paper Preprint (Extended Version) Bibtex Video